
We are currently full but are accepting expressions of interest to be put on a waitlist.

We welcome new members to join our group.  No previous experience required. Tuition is via hands on participation in weekly rehearsals.

People interested in joining can come along and sit in on several rehearsals prior to being accepted and committing to the group.

Rehearsals run every Monday 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Tallis Room, Ground Floor Melbourne Conservatorium (Melba Hall), Royal Parade, Parkville. From Flinders Street station, take tram 19 along Elizabeth St to Stop 11 on Royal Parade.

Please contact us first before attending, or if you have any questions.

Find out more about Central Javanese gamelan and the instruments >


The members of MCG come from diverse backgrounds but have been brought together by their love of gamelan. Several players have been studying and performing since 1990 formerly under the direction of Pak Poedijono.

Musical Director

Ilona Wright is MCG’s Musical Director and teacher. Ilona has studied gamelan as a music student at the University of Melbourne , joining MCG in the mid-1990s, and has been with the group continuously since then. Ilona is currently a lecturer and the director of student gamelan ensembles at the University of Melbourne. She also works as a piano teacher.